Silence is Golden
I finally asked to use the Pooter to make a Pooscapade Post, and She just about fell over exclaiming "It's been nearly 2 weeks since the Last Post (and She didn't intend that pun) why can't it be that long since your Last Bark!" Actually, I think my Posts could win gold blogging awards, but I bark louder than I blog unfortunately, and the only award I get for that is when I keep quiet. Go figure. If there was a Bark Olympics, I'd be in with a medal shot for sure! She on the other hand was talking about starting Barkaholics Anonymous, but I am living proof that talent defies all obstacles, including Her barking rehabilitation program.
So what have I been doing in my self imposed Pooter Exile? A lot actually, and no, not just barking!
So that little adventure was so succesful, I set about finding a couple of vacation destinations for myself. In October, we agreed She could go to Wellington for work, but He invited himself along, which has worked wonders to my advantage. After posting a tender for offers of accomodation on the Westie Walker Website, I got no shortage of invitations to 5 star accomodation where, as the guest of honor, I'll be treated with all the respect I deserve. I chose Molly, we go way back, who sent me a program of her daily activities, which I am allowed to join in, and not only that, it includes lots of things to bark at. I didn't want to impose on Indy and Scarlett again, and I figure if I spread my goodwill around, maybe I can have my friends come stay at me, provided they can negotiate a dog flap (that's a Whole Other Post, that I don't have the heart for now...) and obey rules galore!
I also had so secure accomodation for the Annual February Snowboarding Trip I send Them on to attend to my responsibilities as a Philanthropooch, which include checking on my search and rescue friends in America, and ensuring that all the good causes I support are going well. Now as you know, Cath usually comes to stay and look after me at home, but I worry about Them and annoy Cath who's too kind to say anything, so She just won't ask her again. She told me I'd have to sort myself out, because for about 24/7/344 She attends to my every need, and She's not missing snowboarding on my behalf for the rest of my life!
Well, that wasn't hard, I got to take up some of the other offers that poured in from my Westie Walker friends for the October break, and I'm probably going to stay with Tiffany and Marlee-Jane. I don't know them too well, but they're Westies, so what's to know? And we're going to have a few play dates and maybe sleepovers to make sure I don't disrupt another household. Hamish said I could maybe stay at him, so there's Plan B. And Nolan too, so there's Plan C. Hamish might need to come stay at me over the summer, so that would be cool! Molly and Bonnie each said they might be on holiday at that time, so I couldn't stay at them.
Following in Her footsteps of wanting to be a Social Entrepeneur, I've also been working on a business plan to expand my Philanthropooch endeavours. Actually, I think She's secretly hoping I will be so succesful before She gets going, She'll be able to continue as my Personal Assistant... Anyway, recognising the importance of branding, I've been working on a logo with the aid of Kylie at Logomotion. I should have something sorted by the next couple of weeks.