Writer's Block

"It was a dark and stormy night.. "

Yes, folks, I've had writer's block and I've been looking to my hero, Snoopy, for inspiration.

Nothing's working. It feels like I haven't got any new bad habits I can tell you about.

I still Bark, make demands (often the last 2 simultaneously),

hunt lizards (this was one of my successful attempts), have temper tantrums and refuse good food for no apparent reason (actually, its because I want something not on the menu for a change please...).

I still do good deeds like greet Her with wild enthusiasm when She gets home, supervise rescue of exhausted doggies swimming in the creek unable to get out, have my old friend Jock for a 3 night sleepover and share my toys, treats and favorite spots with him.

I still go play at my best friends Elsie, Eric and Max and drive Aunty Amanda insane every week, suffer the indignity of my 3 monthly makeover (temporary) and come home with a bow (UGH!) in my hair.

I'm still just a dog with blog stuck in writer's fog... and there's no real poetic way to say it! I think I'll extend my break, chilling out like this,

or like this, until I think of something important to say!


At 31/3/09 12:30, Blogger ShutterFreak said...

LOL well you may have "writer's block" but this latest post is just wonderful. The image of you "chillin out" had me ROFL! You, my dear, are the most adorable pooch on the internet!


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