The Adventurous Life of Me

I've had a few adventures lately, but don't worry, I'm not in trouble (for a change).

The first is my new object of undivided attention. It's now mandatory that I get to see this new Cat that's always lying on a patch of dirt just across the road and 4 doors down as often as possible. Although on the way there, it's always worth checking every house, in case there is some wildlife of interest to stare at.

So I wait at the front door in an anxious 'Hunchova', which is the pose I have to adopt to indicate my displeasure at not having things go my way exactly as I want them right this very minute. Eventually, there is some remorse on Their part in seeing me like that, and the more I splay my back leg out to the side and look mournful, the more likely They are to agree (albeit reluctantly) to take me over the road to visit the new Cat. Unfortunately lately, its been raining and raining and raining and raining, and so as much as I have wanted to go and see the new Cat, I'd rather not get wet. Luckily yesterday, there was a break in the torrent, and I got to go see the new Cat.

The second is Eric, Elsie and Max's Pack Leader went on a shopping trip to Hong Kong. She got some clothes for all us which is quite ironic. See, there's a bit of background here, just before Aunty Amanda came home with all the designer duds, She had called the newspaper to request a story be done in the local Times to promote our upcoming Westie Walk Fundraiser. He had managed to get some great prizes from Di Bella Coffee and Zone Fresh, and She thought it would be absoloodley tragic if Westie Walkers couldn't raise as much money for Guide Dogs Queensland as the prizes were worth.

So She sprung into action and called the Ed of the City North News. Who clearly had No Idea what a Westie is. After explaining who we are and what we do and that twice before my cute little face has adorned the pages of the paper, he said well you'll have to dress your dog up, otherwise its just another person and a dog story. Not being privy to the other half of the conversation, when She turned white and Her jaw dropped to the floor, I thought She was having a heart attack and I was concerned I wouldn't get my dinner. But after the color returned to Her face, albeit only a pale shade of pink, She composed Herself to be able to decline and draw the conversation to a close... I simply cannot explain my relief in words, mostly that I was going to get my dinner after all, but also because I wasn't going to have to get dressed up!

So back to my designer duds. So Aunty Amanda who loves me 5th in line after Elsie, Eric, Max and Uncle Brian, shopped for me in Hong Kong. Knowing how much I admire my Search and Rescue Friends, she brought me this ultra cool, bright yellow, glow in the dark jacket - very appropriate for the flooding conditions of late, if I felt like getting my feet wet as a Search and Rescue Dog, so to speak...

Actually, she also brought me a quadruple (?) of shoes. When I had an operation on my foot a while back, she got Elsie to lend me one of her shoes so that I wouldn't lick my foot till after it was better. Elsie hates her shoes, which she sometimes has to wear for her grass allergies. I got very attached to that solitary shoe, and I learnt to climb stairs with it and all sorts of things.

So Aunty Amanda thought I could do with some Manola Blahniks of my own. One was OK, but 4?? Much as I love Aunty Amanda, I don't think so... if anyone saw this face in the paper to promote a fundraising dog walk, I don't think anyone would come. So Mr Ed, put that in your pipe and smoke it! Dog's don't need clothes, just the occasional jacket...

Finally she bought me a cute little scarf to add a dash of style. I can definitely see myself wearing that on occasion.

And so I've got my fingers crossed that its a fine sunny day on 30 November 2009 and I can't wait to see all my wonderful Westie friends! I'm getting dragged off to the cleaners this weekend, and I'll be lucky to come out with a #1 all over, the way She's talking. Last weekend I got dragged off to a party in Fingle Bay and I got a pedicure, manicure, soapy massage and facial that morning so that I'd be the ultimate accessory. Hrrmph. Although I did get treats the entire time to ensure compliance. I wish I had been allowed more time on the beautiful beach at Fingle Bay nearby instead of being on my best behaviour for 3 hours watching feet! I did stick my nose under the fence to chat to the fluffy white thing from the next door house and blacken my face in the dirt (poor thing had suffered the same fate as me, but got a bow in it's hair - must have been a commercial job, rather than a homebaked one like mine). She did have the foresight to bring my dinner, which I got on schedule, wasn't I half worried I'd miss that I tell ya, and She had my water bowl topped up right next to me, so it wasn't all bad. I got to sleep all the way home too, which was necessary after the exitement.


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