Temporary Update
She's not too happy that I dragged her dripping out the shower. I was having my say on the deck, and She had been for a run and kindly taken me on an unexpected early, neighborhood jaunt, so was deservedly enjoying a refreshing shower (not my favorite thing, but well, what can I say), when I joined in the local chorus serenading the hot air balloons as they fly over. When I went on a little longer than necessary, She emerged bedraggled and unimpressed and wrapped in a towel to dump a bucket on me, as She's been told to do by Tabitha. But of course, I'm adept at being quiet just as I hear Her approaching, so She can't give me the shower treatment. He wants to get me a Bark Collar, but I'm lucky because He's the World's Best Procrastinator, and He hasn't done anything about it. I guess I'm living on borrowed time, but in the mean time, I'll bark all I like when She's in the shower...
On the other hand, I'm so cute, and no matter how much She tells me I'm ugly when I'm wet, She can't get near enough to me while I'm barking to throw the water over me! Anyway, I believe such treatment is against Constitutional Principles in the USA, even Barack Obama says so, and I reckon She doesn't really have the heart to Actually dump the water on me, let alone put on a bark collar! But I am testing Her limits, make no mistake.
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