Paparazzi'd Pooch

Well, its not as bad as Paris Hilton's infamy, because of course I have tons more class and I am a famous Philanthropooch , but some photos have surfaced on the internet of me on vacation! So, I thought I'd post them here, because, well actually I'm quite proud of the luxury to which I became somewhat accustomed at Uncle Paul, Aunty Kim, Miss Tiff and Marlee Jane's... In fact, I reckon, the more She sees what is considerd the minimum to be provided for of a Philanthropooch of my standing, the more likely I am to see improvements at home. I had The Most amazing vacation imaginable! I was feted like royalty with play time, TV time, garden time, walk time, meal time, spa and beauty packages, cuddles and access to luxurious bedding and sofas whenever I demanded. It's not that these things aren't provided to me at home, but I ask you, how can you compare this....

to this...

I know I look pretty regal in this photo, as you do when you are the sole occupant of a large and Very Comfy sofa from which you can command others to do your bidding, like, lets see, change the channel... so I was secretly pleased when She saw this picture given that I am not allowed on Their furniture unless I'm on a lap, which you know, is not always conducive to a good stretch and getting comfy, and also, since I'm on the lap, They can't go and get me stuff without moving me, which essentially just totally defeats the purpose! Why, I ask, is that so hard to comprehend, along with the fact that the thing I treasure most after food, hunting lizards and sunbaking, is my Personal Space. Now, on This sofa, Personal Space was never at issue... How can you compare it to this (even if you are getting a tummy tickle)?

The other place I was surreptiously snapped, was in my attempt to blend into the background (actually it worked better if I had just had a beauty treatment as opposed to a vigorous search for the local lizard population) and enjoy the ultimate in luxury on the blanket box positioned at the end of the Bed with the Red Satin Sheets. I started there for fear of being detected and ultimately evicted, but since that Never Happened (except clearly for the instance I was detected and this photo was snapped), I later boldly made my way to the other end of the bed to hang out and relax in style.


At 22/2/09 01:50, Blogger ShutterFreak said...

I enjoy all of the photos that you post ... such a little cutie!

I left a post on your blog quite sometime ago ... ALBIE the Cairn Terrier.

My little Albie was 16 yrs. old and became very ill .. I had to have him put to sleep on December 15, 2008. A heart-breaking experience. He was my best buddy and I miss him dearly.


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