The Westie Walk

So after letting you all know about heroes Indy, Chloe, Elizabeth, Margaret and Grace (see previous post for details and photos), here's other Important Stuff about the Walk:

It was early, but a whole bunch of you were there before me! In total 20 Westies showed up and 2 regular Wannabes. What a great Play Date you guys, I had SO much fun catching up with old friends and making new ones. Let me start there (that is Junior Westies):

New friend number 1 is only 9 weeks old! On ya Fergus, you Walked with the Big Guys...

New friend number 2 is only 4 months old! Beautiful happy Ruby, whose tail wags so much I was mesmerised. (It's going so fast here you can't see it!) She has a big brother called Frank, seen gathering treats for a really good Sit!

New friend number 3 is 5 months old! Zac is about to have his first Westie haircut and is just recovering from surgery this week, but nevertheless seen here on the left with an eye for beautiful Jessie whose more intent on rehydrating vigorously...

Other new friends included Piper

and Bronson, seen here in the middle saying hullo to Angus' behind saying hullo to me (out of picture!) and Hamish suavely avoiding the whole greeting line by sneaking out of the gate on the right!

Here's Dexter and Perry (who is a Schipperke not a Pom but nevertheless still a Wannabe...) trying to work out how to use the water bowl

but Nolan making light work of his trendy water dispenser and water all in one

And then, good friends Booker and me (on the left),

beautiful Jack and Harry

and delightful Molly

If you were there and can't see your photo, I am very sorry but She doesn't trust me with the camera yet and She did try hard to get Dogs in the photos and not Pack Leader shoes like all the times before. If you have a photo you want up on the blog, send it to me and I'll make you famous!


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