Poolitical Pooch
Hello again
I like to be heard. Ruckus, my neighbor knows that. So does the whole neighborhood when he starts barking. I don't usually bark, until he barks first, and then I have quite a lot to say. It's secret Dog's Business, and needs to be said, but it drives Her insane. She always says I'd be the Best Dog in the World, if it wasn't for my barking. But my say is important, whether She agrees or not. I mean, its not like She's opposed to Free Speech ... except when it's me!
But I ask you, has there been enough barking on the Poolitical Stage or what? If you've missed all the Hoo Haa, it's general elections here tomorrow, and you'd have to be barking mad not to know it. There's the grampa guy who goes for daily walks without a dog (huh!?) and arranged all the tax laws to benefit retirees so that he does OK when he finally realises you don't say "Good Morning" on a You Tube video given that the internet is 247365.... and then there's the other dude who's right into You Tube, but for all the wrong reasons. Mainly it's about which of the two wants to squat in a piece of prime real estate at the public's expense, since no-one can afford to buy or rent these days anyway.
So my take on the whole thing is there's nothing in it for Poolitical Pooches, no matter how loudly I bark. If I was running, I'd campaign for the amenities they have in Telluride, Colorado, where Dog's Rule and they have Dog Parking Bays (see Season Feature half way down page) and every shop has a resident dog and dogs are welcome everywhere. I'm just glad I have a home and a Pack and I look forward to my daily Pooscapades, meeting and greeting and putting smiles on people's faces as all Poolitical Pooches should aspire to do! But it's life's simple pleasures that matter, so maybe over the next year I can draw attention to the homeless, and make a difference! I could do more as a Philanthropooch than a Poolitical Pooch, for sure!
Oh Maggie you are just gorgeous, and I have had such a laugh reading your blog tonight.
I have just discovered Westie Walkers, and hope you get to meet my Dougall soon.
Dougall's mum
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