Maggie's Kitchen

Well, as a celebrity Philanthropooch, it was only a matter of time before I brought out a series of posts on food. Jamie's done it, Emeril's done it, Curtis' done it, so now it's my turn. And it's a topic close to my heart - food pretty much rules my day. In fact, if Greenwich mean time ever fails, just ask me what time of day it is: breakfast time, kong time, snack time, behaviour time, treat time, (opportunity time - although that's a whole post on it's own) and dinner time.

But first things first. I am closely attuned to the possibility of food coming my way. While I don't mind hunting when I have the chance, inevitably its more reliable to head up to Maggie's kitchen. Chances are, if They're in there, one of 3 things happen: a. I'm either supposed to get something, or b. if I behave, I'll get something for being good, or c. something edible might drop.

I have told y'all about the importance of a BARF diet, but like every Michelin Chef, raw ingredients are one thing, putting them together is another. Now after a couple of years in refinement, and numerous compliments about my shiny coat and bright black eyes, I'll share with you how to get the grub and with it the results. After all, I am what I eat!

Veggies are a big part of my diet. Every day, She takes a veggie patty out the freezer and I get half in the morning and half in the evening. To make a veggie patty is quite a process, and I am crucial to its success. She goes out hunting and comes back with the raw materials. These are - spinach, beans, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, zuchini and beans. Then She chops them roughly into chunks (this can be a moment of opportunity). Then She puts the chunks in the mixermincershredder and then the finely chopped veggies go in a Big Bowl to be mixed up.
Then She weighs out 75G and wraps it in Glad Wrap.

Now some might say this is another moment of opportunity, but its actually my moment as Head Chef. See I am the Floor Supervisor in charge of Quality Control. If (that's usually when, despite Her best efforts) something drops I'm right there, on the spot, focused intently on the task at hand, The Taste Test - flavor, coarseness of the grind, and color - too orange - too much carrot, too green - too little carrot...

Then when all the patties are done She packs them into the freezer. I have my own freezer drawer with all my food. Despite the fact that as Sous Chef, She has the whole process down pat, most times, there is about 25-40G left over; which is not enough to make a patty and too good to waste. So a moment of opportunity presents itself. As Head Chef, I get the left overs in my bowl! I do a good job of licking the platter clean... like all good chefs.


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